Dream 44
POV-Ray 2.2
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Text File
94 lines
// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 2.0 sample file.
// By Aaron a. Collins
/* Window Highlighting Scene by Aaron a. Collins */
/* This file is hereby released to the public domain. */
#include "colors.inc"
/* Someone to take in the breathtaking view... */
camera {
location <0, 20, -100>
direction <0, 0, 1>
up <0, 1, 0>
right <4/3, 0, 0>
/* Put down the beloved famous raytrace green/yellow checkered floor */
plane { y, -10
pigment {
checker colour Yellow colour Green
scale 20
finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9}
Now a CBlue Plastic sphere floating in space over the ground - note that no
Phong or specular reflection is given. Any would conflict with the window
"highlights" by showing that they are not exactly in the mirror direction!
sphere { <0, 25, 0>, 40
pigment {Blue}
finish {reflection 0.8 ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.7}
a wall with a window frame to block the light source and cast the shadows
union {
triangle { <-1000, -1000, 0>, <1000, 4, 0>, <1000, -1000, 0>}
triangle { <-1000, -1000, 0>, <1000, 4, 0>, <-1000, 4, 0>}
triangle { <4, 4, 0>, <-1000, 21, 0>, <-1000, 4, 0>}
triangle { <4, 4, 0>, <-1000, 21, 0>, <4, 21, 0>}
triangle { <-1000, 21, 0>, <1000, 1000, 0>, <-1000, 1000, 0>}
triangle { <-1000, 21, 0>, <1000, 1000, 0>, <1000, 21, 0>}
triangle { <1000, 4, 0>, <17, 21, 0>, <1000, 21, 0>}
triangle { <1000, 4, 0>, <17, 21, 0>, <17, 4, 0>}
triangle { <4, 12, 0>, <17, 13, 0>, <4, 13, 0>}
triangle { <4, 12, 0>, <17, 13, 0>, <17, 12, 0>}
triangle { <10, 21, 0>, <11, 4, 0>, <11, 21, 0>}
triangle { <10, 21, 0>, <11, 4, 0>, <10, 4, 0>}
translate <39, 89, -120>
pigment {Black}
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
Now, the 4 actual "panes" to be reflected back onto the sphere for psuedo-
"highlights". They are not exactly co-incident with where the actual light
source is, because they would block the light. They are very near by where
the openings are in the black wall above, close enough to give the proper
illusion. This is massive cheating, but then, this isn't reality, you see.
union {
triangle { <4, 21, 0>, <10, 13, 0>, <10, 21, 0>}
triangle { <4, 21, 0>, <10, 13, 0>, <4, 13, 0>}
triangle { <11, 21, 0>, <17, 13, 0>, <11, 13, 0>}
triangle { <11, 21, 0>, <17, 13, 0>, <17, 21, 0>}
triangle { <4, 12, 0>, <10, 4, 0>, <4, 4, 0>}
triangle { <4, 12, 0>, <10, 4, 0>, <10, 12, 0>}
triangle { <11, 12, 0>, <17, 4, 0>, <11, 4, 0>}
triangle { <11, 12, 0>, <17, 4, 0>, <17, 12, 0>}
scale 15
translate <20, 90, -100>
pigment {White}
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
/* a Light above the sphere, behind the camera and window frame for shadows */
light_source {<50, 111, -130> colour White}